
18 ways you lose money in your business (and how to fix it)

There are plenty of fast and easy ways for you to lose money in your business.

Here are 18 of them: 

1. Not sending out regular communications (at least once a week)

2. Not creating new offers

3. Not dealing promptly with new enquiries 

4. Not doing a good enough job in reselling those who have already bought from you.

5. Not opening up new markets of potential business through JV's or partnerships

6. Sending out boring dull communications

7. Not asking your highest paying VIP buyers what's an even higher end offerings would they like.

8. Not systemising and prioritising what needs to be done.

9. Not having any real deadlines to projects, campaigns or launches

10. Not testing if current ads and promotions are bringing in enough ROI, and shelving the one's that are a complete waste.

11. Not having any clear structure to your verbal and written sales communications or presentations

12. Not finding accurate new lists of potential business

13. Not being proactive enough and leaving things to chance or have them magically materialise.

14. No proper enquiry to after sale sequence or system.

15. Not taking on hired help to free up the owner to do the activities they do best that has the highest ROI 

16. Not taking the right actions on the things that matter most and so therefore spread themselves way too thin on doing the unnecessary and unwanted.

17. Creating mainly image and branding style communications instead of writing effective direct response one's.  

18. Leaving various projects, promotions or ideas in a half-baked state.

Now there are a few things to work on if you want to stop losing money, if you want to make a lot more of it.

What should you begin with?

A few alternatives.

You can start from the top of the list and work your way down.

You can start from the bottom and work your way up.

You can close your eyes and point. 

However you choose, choose... and then...get into action. 


raja.hireker@gmail.com / 07903 905 802
© Raja Hireker